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How to Grow Hollyhock

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Hollyhock plants are a fun and easy to grow flowering plant. It's an old time favorite. Native to Asia, Hollyhocks are a large plant with big leaves and big blossoms. They produce a profusion of big flowers from Summer through Fall. They are perfect to fill large areas, and the back of your flowerbed.

Hollyhock produces tall and showy, heart shaped blooms. Some varieties will grow 8-10 feet tall. Single or double blooms come in white, yellow, crimson, pink, purple,  rose, and red.

Looking to attract hummingbirds? Hollyhocks will attract them.

Tree Branch


Grow Hollyhock plants from seed. Hollyhock seeds can be sowed directly into your flower garden after all danger of frost has past.

Usually, Hollyhock will bloom in the second year. We recommend starting them indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost, and they may bloom the first year.

Give these big plants plenty of room. Final spacing should be 1 1/2' to 3' apart.

Established plants can also be separated by division. In early Fall, dig up plants and separate into clumps for replanting.

Tree Branch

How to Grow Hollyhock Plants:

Grow Hollyhock plants in full sun. They will grow well in average to rich soils. Prior to planting, mix in compost to enrich the soil. Soil should be well draining. These fast growers, will quickly reach four feet or more, depending upon the variety.

Add a general purpose fertilizer once a month. Keep soil moist, especially in dry weather.

Early in the season, pinch back the plants to promote bushier growth. But, allow plenty of air circulation to minimize the risk of plant disease.

Tree Branch

Insect and Disease:

Japanese Beetles love Hollyhocks. Use insecticides, if they are in your area. More on Japanese Beetles.

Rust disease, a fungus,  is a common problem. Minimize this by allowing plenty of space between plants, thinning dense, bushy plants, and avoid applying water to leaves. Apply fungicides at the first sign of problems. Or, apply all season long as a preventative.

Tree Branch


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