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How to Grow Bee Balm Flower


Perennial, Monarda Didyma

Looking for an old-fashioned favorite? Look no further than Bee Balm. This native North American  woodland wildflower, is a member of the mint family.

Bee Balm plants grow  and look their best in clumps or masses. The flowers are daisy-like, with tubular petals. Brightly colored, scented blooms are pink, purple, red, or white. Flowers grow on branching, square stems. The leaves are aromatic, too. These perennials bloom the second year after planting.

Bee Balm attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and of course, bees!

Smaller varieties look good in containers on your patio or desk.

Other Names: Bergamot, Oswego Tea

Plant Height::  grows 1 to 2 feet. Dwarf varieties grow up to 10"


Plant Propagation:

Grow Bee Balm plants from seed. Sow seeds directly into your flower garden after all danger of frost has past. You can also broadcast spread the seeds around fields, to grow as a wildflower.

For an indoor start, plant them 5-8 weeks before the last frost.

Sow seeds early in the season and cover lightly with 1/8" of garden soil. Give them plenty of room. Final spacing should be 12" - 18".

Plants can be propagated by division of the clumps in either the spring, or early fall.

You can also  root cuttings.

Days to Germination: 10 - 20


How to Grow Bee Balm Plants:

Low maintenance Bee Balm plants like full sun to partial shade.

The soil should be fertile, and well drained. Fertilize every 1-2 months during the growing season, using a general purpose fertilizer.

These plants do well in wet soil. Make sure to provide ample water during the growing season, especially in dry summer months. Mulch around plants, to help retain soil moisture.

Keep plants well pruned, to create a clean and neat appearance. Pinch growing tips to produce a bushier plant. Do not let it get too bushy. Make sure to provide good air circulation, to minimize plant disease.

Deadhead blooms to promote new flowers.

Plants can be invasive. Keep growth of clumps in control. Or, use garden edging to contain the plants root system.


Insect and Disease:

Insects and disease problems are not a major problem. If problems occur, treat early with organic or chemical insect repellents and fungicide.




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